Eye Care Services
Illinois Eye Center offers a full range of services from routine eye examinations to treatment of a variety of eye diseases and conditions.

Blepharospasm (also called benign essential blepharospasm) is blinking or other eyelid movements, like twitching, that you can’t control.
Eyelid twitching usually goes away on its own. But people with benign essential blepharospasm can develop severe and chronic (long-term) eyelid twitching.

The term “Cataract” refers to the eye’s lens becoming clouded as a normal part of the aging process. It is sometimes compared to a window that is frosted, steamed, or yellowed. In most cases, cataracts develop slowly over a number of years. However, conditions such as diabetes and trauma may cause cataract symptoms to develop early.

Corneal Disease
If we think about the eye as a camera, the cornea would be the glass at the front of the camera lens. The cornea is not only a clear window through which light passes on its way into the eye, it provides most of the focusing power in the eye as well. Corneal disease is a serious condition that can cause clouding, distortion, scarring, and eventually blindness.

Dry Eye Syndrome
Normally, the eye constantly bathes itself in tears. By producing tears at a slow and steady rate, the eye stays moist and comfortable. Sometimes people do not produce enough tears to keep their eyes healthy and comfortable. This condition is known as Dry Eye.

EyeCareToday – Same Day Appointments
EyeCareToday at our Peoria office provides same-day access to eye care for patients ages 5 years and older with acute/urgent eye conditions, or for routine vision exams. An eye care provider will be dedicated to the EyeCareToday schedule each day, and will see all same day appointments and/or walk-ins.

Glaucoma is a leading cause of blindness in the United States, especially for older people. Loss of sight from glaucoma is often preventable if you get treatment early enough. Glaucoma is a disease of the optic nerve. The optic nerve carries the images we see to the brain.

Choosing the right eye laser assisted in situ keratomileusis (LASIK) surgery center is the first, and most important decision you will make during your LASIK journey. No matter what, it is important to make sure you feel comfortable with not only your surgeon, but also the LASIK center overall.

Ocular Infections
Ocular infections, also known as uveitis, occur most frequently in people ages 20 to 60 and affect men and women equally. It encompasses a group of diseases that produce swelling in the eye and destroy eye tissues. Uveitis can reduce vision and even lead to severe vision loss.

Retinal Diseases
If you have diabetes, you are at risk for developing diabetic retinopathy, which can lead to vision loss. Diabetes can cause weakening of the tiny, delicate blood vessels in your retina. If you develop retinopathy, it may cause leakage or closure of capillaries (tiny blood vessels) or growth of new weak capillaries.

Routine Eye Care
During a routine eye exam, an eye doctor will assess your medical history and then complete a series of tests to determine the overall health of your eyes. Routine exams should take place periodically to ensure optimum visual health.
Schedule an Eye EXAM
Request an eye exam appointment today at one of our three locations in Peoria, Washington, or Pekin.