IEC LASIK Coordinator Discusses Her Personal Experience with LASIK Surgery

The LASIK Institute at Illinois Eye Center LASIK Coordinator, Jessica Scarcliff, recently sat down for an interview about her personal experience with LASIK eye surgery. Like many other people, she found it challenging to wear contacts or glasses because it is always difficult to know how your eyes are going to be feeling from one day to the next. Her eyes would get dry after working in front of a computer in contacts all day and the Illinois rain and snow was always accumulating on her glasses.

And, like many other people, she always knew LASIK could help her see more clearly without the use of contacts or glasses – it was just a matter of taking that first step. Of course, she had some of the same fears and concerns that many people experience. She wondered if the procedure could make her go blind (it is one of the five senses, and an important one at that), and she worried that it would all be for nothing if the eye doctors could not get her eyesight to where she wanted it.

Jessica did have some information already. She knew doctors have been doing LASIK surgery since 1995 and that IEC has done more than 10,000 cases. This information helped her feel confident that she was in good hands – the doctors at IEC knew what they were doing.

Now assured that she was making the right decision, she decided to take the next step by scheduling a consultation. Jessica found it to be a smooth process: simply walk in, meet with one of the techs, go through a few tests, and meet with the doctor. She had even brought a page full of questions with her and the doctor answered them all. At the consultation, she and her eye doctor determined she was a good candidate for LASIK eye surgery, so she made an appointment for surgery the next week.

For Jessica and other LASIK patients, recovery was very smooth and extremely fast – everything just became clearer. IEC performs LASIK surgeries on Friday; by the time Monday rolled around, Jessica was ready for work. She could look at the computer, write, and do everything she could do before the surgery, except she wasn’t wearing contacts or glasses.

The experience has helped Jessica become a better LASIK Coordinator, as hearing about the procedure and reading about it online is not the same as experiencing it. By having the surgery herself, Jessica is now able to address the concerns others may have. Patients can ask her questions, such as, “What was it like?” and “How fast is it?” and “What did you feel?” and she can answer from personal experience by sharing each step of the process, how she felt and how she recovered.

One of the most common questions she receives is, “Is LASIK right for me?” Jessica wants people to know that they should not disqualify themselves because of their age or their prescription. She urges everyone who wears glasses or contacts to “give us a call and talk with one of us, and we’ll figure out which option is best for you.”

When you are ready to begin your LASIK eye journey, Jessica and the rest of the IEC staff is here to help you take that first step. You can call/text Jessica at (309) 243-3811, and she’ll get you started with a free consultation.

Weather Alert

Current forecasts call for winter weather overnight in the Peoria area. Please check Illinois Eye Center’s website for the latest information on closures or delayed opening that may impact your appointment on Friday January 10. If you prefer to request a reschedule of your appointment now, please use the link below.

Reschedule Appointment

Weather Notice

Illinois Eye Center will be closing today, Wednesday, February 12, at 4 PM. We will be monitoring the weather throughout the day, but we understand if you feel unable to navigate the conditions safely to and from your appointment. Please use the link below to request a rescheduled appointment. If you plan to attend your appointment, please check here for updates immediately before departing, as our website will contain the most up-to-date information.