Perfect Vision For Your Career

Illinois Eye Center is Looking for Optometrists and Ophthalmologists


For more information, or to submit your CV for consideration, please contact Tina Peugh, Executive Director, at

Optometrist - EyeCareToday

For more information, or to submit your CV for consideration, please contact Tina Peugh, Executive Director, at


For more information, or to submit your CV for consideration, please contact Tina Peugh, Executive Director, at

Get to know Illinois Eye Center

a premier ophthalmology and optometry practice

Illinois Eye Center offers an ideal environment to develop and expand your skills as an optometrist. With 14 ophthalmologists and 9 optometrists in the practice, there is an environment of collaboration and professional growth. Illinois Eye Center brings together specialists in retina, glaucoma, refractive, cornea and neuro-ophthalmology under one 45,000 sq ft roof, plus two additional satellite clinics.

The practice serves the Peoria area, a mid-sized, well appointed Midwestern city. Peoria is a growing medical hub, built around two large healthcare providers and a bustling medical school campus. The area also features shopping, dining, and recreation opportunities that contribute to a desirable lifestyle outside of the clinic.