Protect Your Eyes From Firework-related Injuries

June is National Fireworks Safety Month and everyone needs a little reminder of the importance of protecting your vision from fireworks. We hope you are able to enjoy fireworks this summer, just not at the expense of your eyes.

Fireworks result in eye injuries more often than you may think. According to the most recent fireworks injury report, fireworks were related to 10,500 injuries requiring treatment in emergency rooms. One out of five of those fireworks injuries harmed the eyes. Fireworks can cause chemical and thermal burns to the eye, bleeding, retinal detachment, and even a ruptured globe or possibly blindness.

It’s not just the large-scale fireworks that are to blame. Most of these injuries resulted from firecrackers, bottle rockets, roman candles, and sparklers. The temperature of a sparkler reaches almost 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit- that’s hot enough to melt some metals! Children under twelve years of age should not handle sparklers without close adult supervision.

Here’s some additional safety tips when handling sparklers:

  • Wear safety glasses
  • Light one sparkler at a time
  • Hold it an arm’s length away from the body
  • Never wave sparklers or run while holding them

When it comes to fireworks, there’s no safe way for non-professionals to use them. In fact, those injured by fireworks are more often innocent bystanders.

To ensure safety, follow these recommendations:

  • Do not let children play with fireworks
  • Do not purchase, use or store fireworks of any type
  • Stay at least 500 feet away from fireworks
  • Only trained professionals should light fireworks
  • If you find unexploded fireworks, call the fire or police department to dispose of them
    •  Do not touch them or try to light them

Hopefully these tips will protect your eyes from fireworks this summer, but accidents can always happen. If you receive an eye injury, seek help immediately and call your local emergency room. Do not rub, rinse, put any pressure or put ointments on the eyes. Additionally, do not take any blood thinning pain medications such as aspirin and ibuprofen. Protect the longevity of your eyes by actively working to prevent injuries and stay safe this summer season!

Weather Alert

Current forecasts call for winter weather overnight in the Peoria area. Please check Illinois Eye Center’s website for the latest information on closures or delayed opening that may impact your appointment on Friday January 10. If you prefer to request a reschedule of your appointment now, please use the link below.

Reschedule Appointment

Pekin Closure Notice

Please be advised that Illinois Eye Center’s Pekin location will be closed over the noon hour on Thursday, January 23rd, from 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM. Additionally, the Pekin clinic will be completely closed on Friday, January 24th.  Should you need immediate assistance, our Peoria and Washington locations are open to serve you.  Thank you for your understanding.